Like any industry, marketing has its own terminology. We decided to describe SMM terms in order to speak the same language with Clients. The SMM dictionary will also be useful to everyone who works in this field or is just studying.
For example, it will also work as a sms dictionary and decipher the terms of a targetologist.
We have prepared a transcript of the SMM words that we most often encounter in our work, and they are the basic concepts of SMM.
If you do not find some term in the list, such as “smm activity”, write to us so that we supplement this glossary.
Glossary of SMM terms
ER (Engagement Rate)
This is an index of audience involvement in profile content. That is, roughly speaking, how many people from the number of subscribers are actually watching you. Let’s say you have 5000 subscribers. To calculate the engagement index for your post, you need to follow the formula:
likes + comments + saves / number of followers x 100%.
If the resulting number is less than 6%, this is considered a bad indicator.
But the larger the profile by the number of subscribers, the lower the engagement index becomes. For example, for a profile with more than 100,000 subscribers, ER = 3% is considered the norm. Thanks to the new ranking of the feed on Instagram, as well as thanks to the huge number of profiles, the meaning in the number of the audience disappeared, and the meaning appeared in its quality. And now it does not matter how many subscribers you have, it began to matter how many of them you cover with your content. Therefore, a new formula for calculating ER has appeared, which calculates audience engagement relative to reach.
(likes + comments + saves + reposts) / coverage x 100%
If the figure turned out to be less than 30%, this is a bad indicator. This means that the audience is little involved in the profile.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) (Key performance indicators or KPI)
These are indicators that help analyze the effectiveness of certain actions, as well as the level of achievement of goals and the degree of implementation of the marketing strategy. What can be the goals that an SMM specialist is working on?
- Increasing the number of profile followers.
- Increasing sales.
- Brand recognition.
- Increasing coverage.
- Increase audience engagement in content.
These are the main goals that are most often encountered when working with clients.
SFS (shout out for shout out, “mention for mention” or “sfs”)
This is a competition aimed at increasing brand awareness. Its main meaning is that the profile that conducts it must select several winners at the end of the competition, and then publicly tell about it in its profile in detail, i.e. advertise. It makes sense to hold such a contest when there are a lot of subscribers in the profile, or when subscribers are very involved in the profile, only then the number of participants will be large.
SMO (Social media optimization) is a set of works that are carried out on the site in order to promote it in social networks, for example, widgets and plugins are installed that help interact with site readers, and blocks of buttons “Share”, “Me” are placed in the most prominent places. like it”, etc.
Read more in the article “SMO site optimization or Integration of social networks with the site”
A person’s account in social networks (personal page).
This word refers to how the “engine” of the social network works in general. By what rules, schemes, etc. The most commonly spoken phrase is: the feed ranking algorithm forms it based on the needs of the audience. You can say just the ranking of the feed, or the ranking algorithm. The meaning is the same.
This is, most often, a blogger who collaborates with a brand to increase brand awareness. The most striking example is fashion bloggers, who are the ambassadors of the largest and most famous clothing stores in the world. They spread information about this store in their blog (not only on Instagram, but also in other social networks), mark the store in posts, tell stories, write in the header of their profile about cooperation with this store. The principle is very simple – the audience loves their blogger and trusts him, which means they will buy what the blogger advises them. And the blogger advises the store whose ambassador he is. For ambassadorship, the brand pays the blogger, and also sends its product or provides its service.
This is an announcement about the launch of a product or an event. It is necessary to announce something only when all the processes are prepared, all the figures are known, the whole system is adjusted. immediately after the announcement, the audience goes to perform the target action: purchase / registration.
This is not a real social network profile, hiding under the guise of a real person. Bots are created automatically by various services. The goal of those who create bots is to sell them. Bots are bought by bloggers to increase the number of profile subscribers. But, because bots are not real people, they cannot be active in the profile, which is why there is little involvement in the profile that has been cheated by bots, and this is a bad indicator of the quality of a blogger.
Virality (viral content)
This is when you want to share content and thus it spreads independently among the audience, gaining a viral effect.
The number of accounts whose owners interacted with your content. Interactions may include likes, saves, shares, comments, and replies
Sales funnel
This is a sales tool that “leads” a person along the path we have built in advance, from getting to know the product to buying it. This path consists of several steps. Each step leads to the next, thereby increasing the number of sales of the product or related products.
Read more about the article “Hook, convince, sell – the anatomy of an automatic sales funnel”
These are methods used to engage the audience in content, sales, etc. Engagement takes place in a playful way. The main task of gamification on Instagram is to think over such content that will allow the audience to compete (between themselves or with themselves). Competitions for points, points, time, etc. Any game mechanics on social networks help to involve the audience in the process and allow them to relax and just play.
Gamification is used by the largest companies in the world to attract employees, customers, and influencers. This is necessary to increase awareness, brand loyalty, sales, etc.
Read more the article “Gamification for Instagram – review of the game designer for Instagram”
Giveway (Giveaway or Giv)
This is a massive competition with the issuance of valuable prizes. The main meaning of the GIV is that a certain number of sponsors (bloggers) are gathering, who pay the organizers of the competition for participation in the GIV, and they gather an audience for which the main condition for participation in the drawing of all prizes is a subscription to all sponsors. Thus, sponsors quickly gain a large number of audiences, and the audience has a chance to win prizes.
A type of targeting aimed at limiting ad impressions based on the location of the target audience.
This is the number of actions taken by a customer relative to the number of potential customers who have seen your offer. Let’s imagine that you held a free webinar before the start of the course, it was watched by 100 people. Of these, 15 people took the course. We calculate the conversion: (15/100)x100% = 15%. We need this figure to analyze the content or to analyze the site.
Duplication of content in different social networks using special services.
Read more in the article “TOP-18 delayed posting services in social networks”
This is a potential client. It can be called potential in the event that he did the target action that was required of him. For example, a person who left his email for you to send him a checklist is a lead. The person who, after the announcement of the product in the post, asked you a question about the product is a lead. Based on his actions, we understand that he is interested to a lesser or greater extent in the product, which means we can influence him to bring him to a purchase.
Lead magnet
This is the first step in the sales funnel. This is a product that is useful and absolutely free for a potential client (lead). In exchange for receiving a lead magnet, we receive the contact details of the lead, thereby collecting a database of potential customers to whom we can sell our product in the future. It is not for nothing that this tool contains the word MAGNET, because. we attract a potential client with this product, after which we get his contacts. Examples of a lead magnet: checklist, guide, manual, free first lesson of the course, etc.
Read more in the article “How to “attract” potential customers with lead magnets”
Opinion leader or influencer
This is a person, rather, a blogger (it doesn’t matter a micro blogger or a millionaire blogger), who influences his audience. Opinion leaders are most often bloggers or famous people who work in one direction. For example, someone can be an opinion leader in nutrition/feminism/modern technology, etc. This person can influence the audience with his authority (he is trusted), his opinion, which for one reason or another is important to the audience.
Read more in the article “Influencers: who they are, how to choose, where to find them”
Customer journey route (Buyer journey)
This is a way to understand the behavior of potential customers regarding your content or product, and then create such content that will help bring a person to the target action with minimal effort and investment. That is, knowing what the audience thinks about you, what they do when they get acquainted with the content, etc., you can write the right content plan that will lead a person to a purchase with a high degree of probability.
Mass following
Subscription to a large number of profiles of your potential Clients in order to acquire a maximum of followers, back subscribers.
Numerous likes to images of your target audience.
Mass commenting
Mass mailing of comments under the posts of the target audience to draw attention to the business account.
Read also the article “41 programs and services for promotion and promotion on Instagram”
Media plan
A media plan is a detailed plan for an advertising campaign. It includes the deadlines, the necessary budget and the sites where the advertisement will be placed. Usually the media plan is presented in the form of a table.
Read more in the article “What is a media plan and how to create it?”
Application for instant messaging. For example, Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and others.
Artificial increase in key parameters in social networks: subscribers, likes, views, reach, etc.
The number of people who have seen your content at least once. Reach differs from impressions in that the latter can include multiple views by the same person.
Organic growth
The word “organic” means “within oneself”, without the influence of anything from outside. We get that the organic growth of a profile is an increase in the number of subscribers due to high-quality content, and not due to advertising, collaborations, etc. Growing profiles organically in 2020 is next to impossible. “Almost” means that you can grow your profile without investments, but at the same time it will grow at a very slow pace.
Public page of the brand, company in social networks.
A code that is provided by each social network, thanks to which you can collect users who visited the site and then segment them by action or other characteristics.
Mass advertising in third-party groups, communities.
Promo post
A type of advertising in social networks that looks like a regular post.
This is the distribution of content within the social network according to the interests of the audience. In 2016, Instagram introduced a new content selection algorithm for each user: previously, all posts and stories were shown to the user in chronological order, i.e., by posting time. Since 2016, the user has been shown the content that was formed based on his interests, while the time of posting this material does not matter.
A contextual and targeted advertising tool designed to “catch up and sell”. Works in search engines and social networks.
Read more in the article “Everything you wanted to know about standard and dynamic remarketing in contextual advertising”
Hidden Marketing
A set of actions, the purpose of which is the formation of a permanent positive image of TM, brand, service, product or company among the target audience.
Read more in the article “What is hidden marketing?”
Stories (Stories or Stories)
A type of social media post that allows you to post content for 24 hours. If you want to save stories on Instagram, you can pin it to your profile. It’s called Highlights.
live. Live Stream.
A set of parameters by which you can segment the audience.
Targeted advertising
This is an advertisement set up through a social network, such as Facebook, or through the “promote” button on the social network Instagram, which, based on the collection of audience data, shows an advertisement only to an audience that is highly likely to be interested in this product.
The word “target” is translated from English as “goal”. This is the meaning of such advertising – to show it to the target audience, because. only she is interested in your product. It makes no sense for other users of the social network to show this ad, because. they are not interested in your product.
This is the first paid product of the sales funnel. This is a product that has a price, but not high, also has a value, but not full. The main task of this product is to establish a trusting relationship with the client, to give him a “try” of something very useful, so that he would have a desire to buy a more significant product. The basic rules of tripwire are as follows:
- The cost is minimal (below the purchase decision threshold).
- High benefit.
- We lead the Client to get full knowledge (full range of services, etc.)
- We don’t tell everything in the product (we show what, but we don’t show how), if it is an information product.
It is necessary to move to the next step (the next product, which has a different cost, much higher. This will be our main product, for which the sales funnel is being created. After buying a tripwire, the client should have an irresistible desire to buy the next product.
Fake, not true.
A person who feels hatred for someone or something and publicly expresses it.
A label is a word that begins with a # sign and is written without spaces. Used to filter messages by topic.
Target action
This is an action that is beneficial to you and you expect it from your audience. Target actions in social networks can be:
- likes;
- a comment;
- preservation;
- repost or shares (share in your feed);
- following a link;
- click on a link or hashtag;
- registration (for a webinar or any event);
- filling out the test;
- purchase;
- etc.

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).