Case on SMM and targeted advertising for the Arizzo online women’s clothing store

Customer information: online women’s clothing store (wholesale and retail).

Target audience (TA) characteristics and portrait: women aged 24-55.

Geographical location: Ukraine.

Economic: income level: average.

Before starting work with MAVR prerequisites were as follows:

  • Number of Instagram followers – 3,800.
  • Number of Facebook followers – 2,548.
  • Website traffic – 6,500 (only organic through social networks).
  • Basic Pixel Facebook and standard events are not configured.


  • Increase website visits via social networks.
  • Increase online sales due to targeted traffic from social networks.
  • Regular growth and improvement of audience coverage indicators.

What have we done:

  1. We have developed and implemented a comprehensive SMM strategy.
  2. We have launched targeted advertising.

For more information about the methods used, read on.

We have developed and implemented a comprehensive SMM strategy

Brand promotion in social networks has already been carried out before, so the employees of MAVR performed the following:

  • We have analyzed the existing page and provided recommendations for improvement.
  • We have changed skin on Facebook and Instagram, and have added Stories Highlights.Stories Highlights
  • We have set up massfollowing and autoreply for new Instagram account followers.
  • We have thought out a content plan for social networks (news feed). We have changed the format of content submission in accordance with the TA and segmented the TA more precisely
  • We have thought out the Stories headings.

For the Arizzo online store, the following headings were included in the strategy:

  • educational content (useful tips, collections on related topics, etc.);
  • engaging content (votes, questions, etc.);
  • selling content with a call to make a target action and with a link to the product (video reviews, new products, feedbacks, promotions, etc.);
  • reputation content (event reports , company news, stories about the work peculiarities).

We have also implemented 1 competitive mechanics, but this is just the beginning.

A competition was held on Instagram and Facebook.

Example of the Instagram competition

Пример конкурса в Instagram

Competition results:


Example of the Facebook competition

Пример конкурса в Facebook

Competition results:


Holding competitions allows you to revitalize and engage an existing audience, as well as attract a new one. Therefore, we plan to use this mechanic more often in the future.

Launching targeted advertising

As part of an integrated approach, the MAVR team has created, connected and optimized the advertising campaigns, as well as has configured targeting and remarketing audiences.

The following targeting methods were used:

  • Targeting by interests (involved buyers of women’s clothing and supporters of certain brands of women’s clothing).
  • Remarketing audience ( users viewed individual product models and categories).
  • Dynamic remarketing (users added an item to the cart, but did not place an order).

The targeted advertising campaign lasted from June 2018 to October 2018. During this time, 35 advertising campaigns were launched.

Examples of the most effective publications:

  1. Targeting was launched for girls who are interested in women’s clothing and make purchases online. Targeting was launched for the summer collection.

Таргетинг был запущен на летнюю коллекцию

  • Spent: $329.44
  • Number of clicks: 5,924
  • Cost of 1 click: $0.06
  • Number of purchases on the website: 184

Количество покупок на сайте: 184

  1. Targeting was launched for girls who are interested in women’s clothing and make purchases online.

таргетинг на девушек, которые интересуются женской одеждой и совершают покупки онлайн

  • Spent: $290.26
  • Number of clicks: 3,146
  • Cost of 1 click: $0.06
  • Number of purchases on the website: 169

Количество покупок на сайте: 169

  1. Targeting was launched for girls who are interested in outerwear and make purchases online.

таргетинг на девушек, которые интересуются верхней одеждой и совершают покупки онлайн

  • Spent: $371.10
  • Number of clicks: 3,366
  • Cost of 1 click: $0.06
  • Number of purchases on the website: 168
  1. Dynamic remarketing was launched for people who put the product in the cart, but did not place an order.

To launch this type of advertising, you must first connect Pixel Facebook, divide the audience by events and upload a catalog so that the feed is displayed.

Example of a post that brings conversions:

Пример поста, приносящего конверсии

Results after the launch of advertising campaigns:

  • The advertisement was conducted from 25.05 to 30.09
  • Budget spent: $3.958
  • Number of clicks: 47,936
  • Number of purchases – 1,386
  • Average price for 1 purchase is $2.04

Screenshot of the entire advertising cabinet:

Скрин всего рекламного кабинета

What results have we managed to achieve in the SMM promotion of the Arizzo online store:

  • Increase in the number of followers: Instagram – 7,222, which is 90% more before the project started working with MAVR; Facebook – 4,955, which is 95% more before the project started working with MAVR.
  • Organic website traffic from social networks – 8,703. Website traffic from advertising campaigns — 21,389.
  • E–commerce in Google Analytics – 118 sales, which is 145% more before the project started working with MAVR. This is only organic traffic from social networks.
  • Associated conversions via Google Analytics – 801 sales, which is 295% more before the project started working with MAVR.

Каких результатов в SMM-продвижении интернет-магазина «Arizzo» нам удалось добиться

As you can see, the whole secret of successful SMM promotion lies in a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the strategy, when there is high-quality copywriting, effective targeted advertising and constant analysis of the effectiveness of all the methods involved.

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About project
  • Date: 26.10.2018
  • Category: SMM, Comprehensive marketing
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