The introduction of end-to-end analytics guarantees sales growth without increasing advertising costs. But do not think that this tool is a panacea or a magic capsule. This is a system for monitoring all business-important indicators, for visualizing sales and marketing processes, and for confident planning of advertising finances.
End-to-end analytics helps to trace the client’s path from clicking on an ad to making a purchase or other type of conversion. This is a tool for collecting data that relates to the overall effectiveness of marketing investments and other key indicators for the company. End-to-end analytics shows which specific advertising channels are the most effective. Companies that monitor and make decisions based on reliable data are more likely to be leaders in the competitive race.
Implementation options for end-to-end analytics cannot be universal for everyone. After realizing the need to use this marketing tool, the company is determined with the techniques that are closest to it at this stage of development.
According to the state of the market for end-to-end analytics systems, there are traditionally three basic schemes for implementing solutions.
Option 1 – simple and accessible to everyone
Entrepreneurs who have just started using end-to-end analytics may opt for the first solution. Despite the simplification of the scheme, you can get the maximum of necessary and useful information – much more than the basic capabilities of Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica can provide. Data collection is carried out through connectors that allow you to coordinate data from advertising platforms, CRM, call tracking systems on a single platform. Further, the information is processed, after which it is transformed into reports.
The scheme of the first option consists of several stages. The first stage requires the implementation of a CRM system and setting up workflows. If this stage is ignored, then it will be impossible to view information about sales, LTV, and fix the actual profit from customers. The essence of the scenario is as follows: information from advertising accounts, CRM systems and call tracking is concentrated in the structures of Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics.
The combination of private elements involved in the collection and processing of information about incoming calls, sales, expenses, occurs using connectors, for example, ROMI center. They allow you to set up end-to-end analytics without the participation of programmers. Support contacts are already available on the site.
After data from all sources enters the end-to-end analytics system and is processed by built-in algorithms, a report will be available to you. The indicators are also automatically entered into the Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics personal account and ROMI center dashboards.
Dashboard messages are not full of countless graphs and columns with abbreviations that top managers and marketers have difficulty deciphering. The data is visualized in an accessible and understandable way.
When using from 3 to 5 channels for promotion, taking into account social networks, another way to get reports is recommended – Google Data Studio.
Option 2 – complicated
It differs from the first method only in the amount of data processing and the place of this process. A more complicated scheme is used if ROI and ROMI indicators are not enough and there is a need to analyze sales data based on your own metrics. They come from CRM to the analytics system through third-party centers, where you can set any metrics and evaluate indicators based on the specifics of the sales segment. For example, LTV of a customer from a specific group of buyers or setting an interval task before purchasing a product.
A complicated implementation of end-to-end analytics is aimed at companies that are more advanced in the use of this marketing tool. Without this experience, there will be no success in implementing the complicated option.
Option 3 – turnkey format
Ready-made package offers have been and will be in demand on the end-to-end analytics systems market. The principle of their implementation is as follows: information about traffic and advertising costs is not collected through Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica counters. The developer company installs its own counters on the client’s website. The analysis is carried out taking into account the same indicators and in the same bundles as in the previous 2 options. But within the boundaries of the algorithms, formats, and frameworks set by the developer company.
The indisputable advantages of the turnkey format are: a high level of security and confidentiality of client data. However, in the case of the two previous versions of the system implementation, we can talk about the safety of information. This is due to the desire of the contractor, invited as a contractor for setting up end-to-end analytics, to maintain its reputation.
Another advantage is the lack of need for independent settings. The package solution provider, after signing the service agreement, receives the necessary passwords and assumes the obligation to configure all integrations. The task of the client is to upload reports in a timely manner and use them for the benefit of the company.
Summing up
What to choose – a simplified, complicated or package option – the client decides for himself. The main thing is that the end-to-end analytics tool works to increase profits and expand the business. Do not forget also about patience: the first results may appear in a week or a month. The term depends on the background with which the company starts.

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).