YouTube channel promotion: how to gain an audience?

  • 9.6.2022
  • Written by Vladyslava Rykova
  • Category: SMM

Every person who has the skill and knowledge in one of the areas of their activities and hobbies, sooner or later thinks about running a You Tube channel, to recognize their brand, product, or just to tell interesting information.

Раскрутка YouTube-аккаунта

For most beginner YouTubers, the first question becomes how to get your subscribers and your audience, what tools to use for the effective operation of the channel. There is no single formula for anyone, each channel is unique in its own way and may be of interest to different circles of people.

The first thing to do is to choose a topic that will be revealed on the blog, and also understand who it will be for (for children, for adults). It is also worth choosing the concept of the channel, which will need to be followed in the future.

The hardest thing is getting the first 1000 subscribers, but there are a few life hacks to get it.

Of course, perseverance, work, diligence in this matter is in the first place, and most importantly, work on the principle of “quietly you go – you will continue”.

  1. Tell about the channel in your personal social networks

The main way to attract an audience is to tell other social networks about the presence of the channel, to mark posts and stories on YouTube, and also to invite your friends to subscribe. A great way is to make a short promo video on Instagram, or a story about what will be in the new release, this technique has a pretty good effect on subscribers, and they go to the YouTube channel.

  1. Encourage people to subscribe

It is imperative that in the videos, in addition to the traditional phrases “subscribe”, “like”, during the video, conduct a short dialogue with users, ask them questions, and announce the imminent release of the next video. As a result, they will write comments and the audience will be added more actively.

  1. Make regular releases

Another one of the ways to develop the audience is the regularity of video releases. You should accustom viewers to the fact that they can regularly receive information, plus YouTube itself shows the channel more actively if there is a clear schedule for the release of content.

  1. Promotion with Pilum24

Turnkey YouTube channel promotion service, which can be very helpful at first with live subscribers, comments, likes and views. The system works without bots and charges, you can choose a variety of geos, and the deadlines are as short as possible.

  1. Collaborations

It is worth taking the choice of paid methods very seriously, especially if you plan to collaborate with bloggers, millionaire channels, as the audience may simply be different, or the content will not meet their desires.

In developing a YouTube channel and recruiting your audience, you should experiment, search, but be guided by the rule “measure seven times – cut once.”

Vladyslava Rykova

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.

Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).

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