Do I need to remove the link if the donor site is under the Yandex AGS

  • 19.5.2021
  • Written by Vladyslava Rykova
  • Category: SEO

From time to time, a situation happens with purchased external links when donor sites fall under the Yandex ACS and this begins to negatively affect the acceptor resource. What to do in such cases and is it worth deleting unwanted links urgently? The search engine optimization specialist of the hosting provider will give us his recommendations.

Нужно ли снимать ссылку если сайт-донор под АГС Яндекса

Backlinks from sites under ACS appeared among the link mass – is it time to start worrying?

From time to time, even links from exchanges of eternal links fall under the filters of Yandex search robots. Of course, at this moment, the presence of some links leading from sites that fall under the ACS, not only becomes useless, but also brings the acceptor site under certain risks. However, it is too early to panic. This problem can be bypassed without the need to delete anything, and thus everything happens with minimal losses.

Avoid removing unwanted backlinks

The reason why you should not rush to part with the link mass that fell under the blocking filter is that some of it can be ranked in search engines like Google. In this case, removing a link from a site with a filter can also negatively affect the performance and cause it to start losing one position after another.

In this case, when inconvenient backlinks are found, it is appropriate not to clean them up in the link profile, but to use the purchase of packages of more reliable eternal links that are least likely to fall under a Yandex ban. At the same time, it is advisable to purchase them in the same quantity that fell under the cleaning algorithm, thus equalizing the damage they caused in Yandex.

Trying to avoid buying links

The fact of the presence of AGS in Yandex is an occasion among a number of SEOs for joyful rubbing of hands. They begin to trust more. The reason is simple and clear: perpetual external links can also hurt.

No one can guarantee that tomorrow Yandex will not develop a new indexing algorithm that will not ban another site or restrict its operation. Therefore, there is always a risk of falling under the ACS to one degree or another when referring to the purchase of links on special exchanges. Yandex does not like gray methods of getting traffic, so it cleans up suspicious backlinks. However, this situation can be avoided by selecting high-quality reference mass.

It is also impossible to avoid buying external links for the reason that alternative “honest” methods have not yet been invented. A large share ratio of unwanted links to the total mass of links cannot be a reason for joy. However, you should not be nervous, and the problem is really solvable. Moreover, everything is thought out in advance and automated as much as possible, so that special efforts are not required.

The fact is that links to unreliable donor sites are automatically cleaned up on exchanges as soon as information appears about their falling under the ACS. Thus, they cease to have an impact on the acceptor site, and most of the links are automatically removed to simplify the withdrawal of the resource from the ACS. As a result, it is not necessary to clean up the link profile. Everything superfluous will be removed by itself, and this is how the system is intended.

Нужно ли снимать ссылку если сайт-донор под АГС Яндекса?

Drawing conclusions

The appearance among the bulk of links, links from sites under the Yandex ACS is not a sentence for the resource. It is enough to choose a new exchange and buy a batch of more reliable backlinks, taking them in approximately equal proportion with those that have become unreliable, in order to compensate for the lost positions in the search engine. If there is confidence that the links that have fallen under the filter negatively affect the weight of the site in Google, then such links should definitely be removed.

Vladyslava Rykova

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.

Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).

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