Selling sites
Now the situation in the legal services market is such that if you want to have enough clients, you need a selling legal site. Let’s see what a selling website means for a law firm:
- It has a clear, thoughtful “architecture”. This means that before you start making a site, you must write down the structure of the site, preferably immediately taking into account search queries. You need to think about how a potential client will walk on your web resource, what will he do there, what will lead him to the target action?
- Correct design. It will help the visitor to complete the target action you need.
- Cool content. This means that selling and interesting texts should be posted on the site. It should include sales presentations that describe each service separately. In addition, it must contain high-quality, professional photos.
- Correct layout. This means that the site must be adequately perceived by your potential client, as well as correctly displayed on all devices.
Trust for your site and for you as a company will be greater if you have separate pages:
- Mass Media about us,
- Cases (or Portfolio),
- Testimonials (preferably with videos or scans of thank you letters),
- Our Clients (or We are trusted),
- Certificates and diplomas (or Our achievements),
- History of the company (not the banal “About us”),
- Our team.
Homework: Plan to develop a good selling website.
Сontextual advertising
Let’s be realistic: just making a website is not enough. For it to work, you need to attract visitors to it. A quick way to do this is to run contextual advertising. The main advantage of “context” is that you can quickly and precisely offer a service to a client. For example, in Yandex or Google, people enter the query “tax lawyer”. You can offer these people tax advice and explore the demand for this service.
Homework: Plan yourself a PPC campaign. Think about what services you will be advertising for. How will you attract potential customers?
Search engine promotion
Not a very fast tool to attract customers to the site is search engine promotion. As part of the promotion, you technically optimize the work of your site, work with link building, write or order articles. The result of the work should be to increase the position of your resource in search engines. This process is also called SEO optimization.
But you should not expect quick results from SEO. It is advisable to evaluate the effect after a year and a half of continuous work on search engine promotion. By the way, industry-specific web resources are moving forward very well. If you are, for example, an IT lawyer, then the best way to promote is to publish articles on IT topics.
Homework: go to Wordstat Yandex, analyze those queries that are relevant for your business. Set yourself a plan to promote these queries.
Email Marketing
Email marketing (not to be confused with spam) is a powerful tool to attract consumers to a professional services business. Its essence is simple: you recruit a customer base, communicate with them through letters, transfer your knowledge and experience, as a result of which they turn to you.
Imagine that you are selling tax disputes. It is very difficult for a person to immediately believe you and buy this service from you. He turns to some of your professional articles, reads your newsletter, the first letter, the second, the third, after which he begins to believe you as a professional and turns to you.
You need to understand that email marketing works at scale. If you have ten subscribers, then there is little chance that someone will buy something from you. If you have reached a base of two to three thousand subscribers, then the likelihood of a sale using automatic mailings increases much.
Remember that email marketing allows you not only to attract new customers, but also to retain old ones. You constantly communicate with them, send them your news, interesting articles, they read you and remember your company. And when the need arises, they turn to you.
Social media
How much time did you spend on social media today? Many daily spend several hours of their time on this – both working and free. And your potential customers do the same. That is why you should use social media as an active legal marketing tool.
Consider three main tactics for attracting customers from social networks:
- your professional community. By registering such a community, you can start a dialogue with your potential clients and attract them to your practice through social media marketing.
- Advertising in professional communities and groups on Facebook, VKontakte and others.
- Targeted advertising in social networks. Its essence is that you give targeted advertising to a specific audience. Let’s say you are a lawyer who works in Kyiv and handles family disputes. You can “target” on Facebook a group of people between 25 and 35 who have the status “It’s complicated”. This will help you attract new customers.
Bulletin boards and geo directories
It’s no secret that many of your potential clients use the Internet as a reference. Need a lawyer or a lawyer, climbed into the Internet and found it. Use it. Register your company in Google My Business, 2GIS, Yandex.Spravochnik. Try testing the paid features of these services.
Practice shows that this makes sense, especially if you work with individuals.
Homework: List your company in geo directories in the free version. Test paid promotion methods.
Phone call
Imagine that we need to accurately convey information to the head of the company. How can we do this? In fact, there are enough methods, and one of them is phone calls. Telemarketing is quite often used in business, including legal. Consider the benefits of telephone sales:
- Point contact with a potential client.
- It’s relatively inexpensive. A call center can be launched with a budget of 4000 UAH.
- It’s fast. The call center is launched in a couple of business days.
Organization of events
In legal marketing, live events are a very effective tool. Their essence is that you, as an expert, share knowledge with your target audience. People see you, are convinced of your experience and turn to you.
Events help you meet potential customers and get to know them by sight. There are plenty of event formats:
- Webinars. This is the simplest type of activity. You just need to decide on a platform, invite participants and host a webinar.
- Seminars, round tables and business breakfasts are offline events. They require more serious preparation, but also bring better contacts and deals.
Affiliate sales
An effective way to attract customers is to find partners. In practice, this means that you are looking for businesses with the same target audience as you, and negotiate partnerships with them.
We invite you to complete a small task. Draw a chamomile and write your potential partners in the petals. For example, you are a car lawyer and deal with Casco and OSAGO disputes. Who can you collaborate with in this area? With car washes, tow trucks, service stations, driving schools. Think about what you can offer them so that they agree to cooperate with you in affiliate sales. The options are:
- Affiliate Marketing. For example, you are negotiating with a tow truck about making joint business cards. When a person has an accident and calls a tow truck, they soon have your business card in their hands. He can turn to you for advice as a car lawyer.
- Percentage of sales. A car wash can give you a ready-made client using some kind of certificate or business card. How much money are you willing to pay for this car wash?
Homework: Conduct an analysis and establish a list of potential partners. What offer can you interest them in? Start making contact with them.
Of course, you can do all this yourself if you have a lot of free time and knowledge in the field of Internet marketing, or you can contact a professional agency. If IAVR provided better services, it would be illegal.

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).