Every firm, company or individual needs to promote their website. Proper advertising of a product or service attracts an interested person, sets a positive mood, makes you want to purchase this or that service. There are professional web studios that offer their assistance in resolving this issue. The company Echizh is engaged in fast and high-quality website promotion.
What is a web studio?
A web studio is a team of people who professionally create and design websites, blogs, applications, an e-commerce store, etc. Usually, the team consists of two types of specialists: web designers and web developers.
What is web design?
The concept of web design describes the professional skills of workers in this industry, namely visual design. The web designer is responsible for creating the structure and ideas of the site, developing the interface, and implementing the full functionality of the resource. Professionals of this kind of activity are diligent and creative, have an artistic base, understand graphics programs and design user interfaces.
The designer must think over logos, banners and other graphic elements.
Tasks of a web developer
A web developer is a specialist who knows how to create and maintain websites and various applications. One of his tasks is testing and finding bugs. There are three main specializations in this profession.
- Frontend developer. Its task is to create an interface, the visible part of the application. He communicates with the client, takes orders.
- Backend developer. He is responsible for the internal part of the site, transfers orders.
- Full stack developer. His responsibilities include all of the above. He brings all processes to the ideal.
Good web developers program CGI and work with scripts. Their job is to understand how web forms work, how different software packages combine software products to create solutions that specific customers can find.
Benefits of choosing a web studio
In order to find a good website promotion company, you need to study some nuances. Working with a web studio has its pros and cons. The disadvantages include a longer implementation. This is due to the fact that a studio, unlike a freelancer, for example, has a more cautious approach to developing or promoting a resource. Such companies clearly adhere to a specific plan and business processes of interaction between the client and the contractor.
But even this small detail will not block the advantages that working with studios has. After all, the main thing is a professional and reliable approach to the development and promotion process.
Before starting work with the customer, a contract is necessarily drawn up that protects both parties from deceit and fraud. All processes are regulated, so the client knows in advance the deadline and the cost of the task.
With the help of a task manager, customers can control the process of creating or promoting a website online. To do this, you need to go into the program and see the records maintained by the studio.
If you want to be legally and professionally protected, it is recommended to opt for web studios. This guarantees working with an experienced team that provides a quality result.
How to choose a web studio?
There are no specific criteria for choosing this company, however, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points.
- Work experience and time of existence of the studio are one of the main indicators when choosing a developer. Even if the company does not exist for long, the experience of specialists also plays a big role.
- The availability of information about the work of the studio will help you make the right choice. It is recommended to communicate with a potential contractor, ask him all the necessary questions and hear all the answers that satisfy you. You can also look at several of their articles to decide.
- The company’s portfolio is a great opportunity to view photos and make a choice in favor of the studio. But still, personal communication with professionals will help you make sure of their competence.
The city, by the way, does not matter in choosing a company, since all the questions you are interested in can be discussed personally with the manager or directly contact the performers.

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).