It is difficult to surprise someone with simple instructional videos, and therefore the rapid growth of online schools is increasing every day. And besides, it’s a good income. Online schools provide completely different knowledge than classical educational institutions, the student can choose any training program to his taste, and even clients will study remotely from anywhere in the world! And if you have long dreamed of creating and developing your online school in the future, then why not?
Advantages of online school:
- Not required license
- Pretty good profit
- Distance learning and remote work
- Release of your own product, which cannot be repeated by competitors
- Don’t need to invest a lot
- Product automation
- All items are sold online
What is an online school? It is important to understand that online schools have their own whole system, that is, there is a team of people, each of whom does their job:
- The owner is looking after the development of his business
- The manager organizes the work between the teacher and the student
- Well, the teacher himself is working on the curriculum
The format of online schools has many different topics: photography, foreign languages, business, drawing, programming and much more. You can also combine several themes and projects at once.
Where to begin?
The first step is to create a “foundation”. It is logical that first you need to understand what education in an online school will be devoted to. That is, you need to choose the area in which further online learning will take place. You need to choose something that will not only be interesting to the creator himself, but also what is relevant now on the market. And for this, you just need to sit down at the table and write all your skills. Well, then think about what will be useful not only for you, but also for other people. It is imperative that you also understand this niche, and that you will not get bored in five to ten years. If you’ve started, then take it seriously.
Got it sorted out. Next comes the search for employees – managers, teachers, assistants, who, by the way, can live anywhere in the world. It is not necessary to assemble a large team, about 5 people are enough.
Did you find a team? Time to discuss the business plan! You define a product and put a price on it. And then smoothly move to the audience, imagining the people you want to train, what kind of people they will be and what their needs are.
Well, you also need to come up with a strategic sales plan, with the help of which you will earn the first amount of money.
The next step is to create a sales funnel, which includes: a lead magnet, traffic sources, auto funnel tools, and more.
Important tips. Everyone knows about the basic human needs. There are several of them – functional and emotional. The creator needs to determine what the client needs the most. Develop the very ideal product that will meet the needs of the market.
To analyze the target audience on your site with sales of services from the school, you can create a small questionnaire that will help you find out the goals and interests of your audience. For example:
- Why they decided to purchase your product. What’s the problem?
- How often did they encounter this problem, etc.
With regards to the team, for the first time, you can hire one person who will help in everything. Such an assistant should know a little bit of everything, namely, just about sales funnels, mailing lists, lead magnets, and so on. Next, you may need a designer and content manager. In general, if you expand the team, then gradually, and not immediately recruit more.
To create a good product, you should not forget these things:
- Uniqueness. Often there are situations in which the client does not believe that this particular course needs to be taken. He must understand why it is this training that he should undergo, and what is the very uniqueness.
- Benefit. Of course, you won’t have customers if they don’t see the value of your products.
- Result. Of course, it’s all a matter of time, but the question constantly arises in my head: “When will the result be already?”. In this case, you need to indicate the approximate period after which the effect will be noticeable.
Important to remember. The work of employees must be of very high quality so that customers resort to you again and again. Don’t run after money. You have to monitor the work of employees, come up with something new that will attract new customers. School students should be satisfied with the training and its results. And to improve the skills of your employees, you can regularly take refresher courses. A good team is also the key to the success of the school.
I would also like to add that the niche itself is no less important for creating your business idea, because many creators of online schools eventually realize that this is not their topic and they are ready to abandon everything. Therefore, you need to choose your topic very carefully.
As a result, we can say that in creating an online school, patience, discipline, and most importantly, desire are important. Throw away all fears and dare towards your business!

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).