SEO for online soap shop EasySoap

SEO проект по продвижению интернет-магазина мыла ручной работы

Website audit:

  • cyclic links error amended,
  • keywords density on the main page increased. It was made by replacing «Add to basket» with «Buy»,
  • favicon added,
  • SEO-friendly URLS made (old URLs were integrated with new 301 redirect)
  • outgoing links leading to nofollow were closed,
  • RSS stream for articles added,
  • xml and robots.txt were amended,
  • org micro markup was used,
  • damaged links amendment,
  • mega tags autofill SEO module set,
  • feedback form was added to contacts page,

Socialization: share buttons were added to every merchandise, article, promotional event; site wide links were added to branded pages in Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, livejournal.

After updates were implemented organic traffic had increased: August 2013 (438 unique users) – November 2013 (1216), i.e. +71,83% increase.

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About project
  • Date: 01.06.2013
  • Category: SEO
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