Someone will say that in order to create a business, its owner must do everything himself, from developing a logo to setting up a target. Others will note that it is important, on the contrary, to attract specialists who will save time and guarantee the quality of work. In order not to choose for yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the services that will not be superfluous for entrepreneurs: perhaps you have been looking for one of them for a long time!
Geomarketing is the analysis of a certain area on the map in order to determine its popularity among the target audience of an entrepreneur. The analysis is based on the data of the operator and helps:
- Determine the best place to open a branch or outlet;
- Calculate the number of possible visits;
- Calculate potential profit;
- Evaluate and test the performance of existing outlets.
Among the services offered by Kyivstar:
Heat map. A ready-made interactive map of the area you have chosen with applied color zones. The warmer the shade, the more consumers are concentrated in it.
Geoportal. A platform with a much larger map of the area, where you can independently select and analyze locations, compare different places, find your target audience on the map according to the criteria, create a file with the results of the analysis and share the platform with others.
Client portrait
Find out and get a ready-made portrait of your client based on more than 100 Big Data criteria, including age, gender, lifestyle, interests, device type, geolocation, travel and others. The service will help you learn more about your target audience, improve services or products based on the data received, and attract even more customers in the future by adjusting advertising to these values.
Targeted mailings
Search for your target audience among Kyivstar customers using a look-alike model, 100+ Big Data parameters or user geolocation. The next step is to create, set up and send an SMS mailing list to selected subscribers at a predetermined time. In this way, you can inform potential customers about your offers, notify users of changes, or send information about promotions or discounts.
Data center
Place your own or rent available servers in the Kyivstar data center. Tier-III security level, microclimate, humidity support, 24-hour security, own diesel generator station and uninterrupted Internet – that will protect against almost any failures, fires and data loss.

Expert in legal marketing. Head of marketing agency MAVR.
Business degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA).